Tickets available from Eventbrite
A Bloomsday happening in honour of the 60th
anniversary of the Morden Tower as a venue for poetry, music & counterculture
On 16 June 1964, Connie and Tom Pickard organisedthe first poetry reading at Morden Tower in theNewcastle town walls. Over the next few years the venue became an epicentre of the explosive Sixties poetry scene, playing host to Allen Ginsberg and Lawrence Ferlinghetti and inspiring local poet Basil Bunting to write the poem of the century: Briggflatts.
On the Tower's 60th anniversary a gathering of
musicians and poets will pay tribute to its remarkable legacy in an afternoon of events at the Tyneside lrish Centre.
Full schedule announced soon. Sessions will include ...
Paul Smith of Maxïmo Park
The Mighty Doonans
Cork Soundeye Festival collective
Open Mic (contact Liv Aldridge (aldridgeliv@gmail
.com) for a slot)
Q & A:
Tom Pickard (in discussion with Alex Niven) on the
story of the Tower as a poetry venue, with audience
